Shoes: Georgina Goodman & Chie Mihara
I love patent shoes and I'm slowly coming around to leopard print. I love it but I'm not sure it's really me. But maybe the way to introduce oneself to a new trend is by way of ACCESSORIES!!! Anyway I saw a great pair of shoes for Spring '08! I know it's winter but I help help but think of Spring when Georgina Goodman is giving us a sneaky peak at her new collection!Me, Craig & Cheryl showing off our footwear! Craig, always wears great shoes and this is the first time in years that I've ever see Cheryl in flats so I thought I better document it. Anyway my shoes are great, I love these little T- Bar Mary- Jane Flat Shoe by Chie Mihara. I love all her shoes! As you might know I'm really into bright tights and these shoes look great with my tights!
I bought lace up ankle shoe-boots from Camilla Staerk. I feel quite special when I wear these boots, I just love that you can fold the suede over, and they are just a little witchy: great for October!