Look Book Shoot
I love working with "New Designers" - what's funny is most new designers aren't all that new - it's more that they're just not well known (yet!). Often you meet a designer who's only 25 and they've been designing for the past 10 years. I worked on a look book shoot which went really well. There is so much planning involved but it pays off in the end when you have a great team!I know I talk a lot about the team but the synergy of the team is essentail to doing a great shoot; it's easy to do a good shoot and sometimes by fluke you can do a great shoot, naturally the more experience you have the better your work becomes.
It's also important for the whole team to know what the look and feel of the shoot is about. You'll have mood boards about hair and make-up, lighting and the looks so everyone can have a visual to work from and of course on the day things can change: something doesn't work, you have a better idea, someone is sick - things change! Just be prepared - the motto I learned in Brownies always seems to be right!