Just Me And Piz Buin - It's Vacation Time!

This week is a rare and wonderful time for me.  I'm actually taking a little time off. I say rare because I don't remember the last time I went away somewhere and didn't have a packed makeup kit with me to do for a job.  Like a lot of people who work freelance there is always that pang of guilt when taking a little bit of time off; you think you could be missing an important job or meeting. I always feel a little less selfish if I can combine work with going away to justify my holiday... but I've come to realise that just won't do-I've landed in the land of "I can't fully relax, I can't switch off!" So it was time to take the plunge and have a proper vacation. I'm heading off to Greece with couple of girl's to a friends villa in Evia. No internet, one shop, everything closes at 9pm...not your typical Greek Holiday of cocktail bars and late night taverna's. Total peace and relaxation. A chance to switch off and  recoup; to come back feeling fresh with ideas. So I thought this would be a great time to do a little beauty detox-I'm not packing a hairdryer or GHD hair straighteners.  I've decided to not wear any makeup for the week I am away- probably not a big feat for many of you but I'm the type of girl who still wears mascara and tinted moisturiser to the gym. I've realised it's important to take  a little time now and then to give not only your mind and body a rest but your  normal beauty regime too. I'm  also going to try out a few home made beauty treatments while I am away.  
Being in Greece olive oil will be a plenty and I plan to pour a some in my hair while relaxing in the sun (with proper sun screen on my skin of course-product of choice Piz Buin) I 'm also going to smash up a little avocado mixed with yogurt and honey to make a face mask-the honey is a great humectant for anti irritation.  Yes a week of recharging the beauty batteries is much needed... Because when I come back it's off to Paris for men's fashion week  and I need to be on top form to handle all those gorgeous male models-I know a tough job but somebody's got to do it!!  ;-) xxx


Rollasole Vending Machine & Bloch Roll Ups


Style Icon: PJ Harvey - Meet Ze Monsta