
I love lip stick and I always feel more dressed up when I'm wearing it. I put it on in the morning and I'm not sure what's happened to it or where it's gone by late morning. I've read that women eat about 4lbs worth of lipstick in a lifetime. I find this a bit troubling. I'm not sure if I eat my lipstick or don't apply it properly but at a press day I discovered Lipcote. I've often see it in makeup artists' kits at shoots. At the press day the makeup artist applied lipstick, then I blotted my lips and she applied the Lipcote on me it in the afternoon and my lips still looked perfect late at night! I was worried that my lips might get to dry but you can apply bit of Carmex if your lips do feel a bit dry.


Ice Cream and Shoes


Hats for Ascot